How to Deal with Sensitive Teeth
Every day that we eat something sweet, cold, or extra crunchy, is another day that our sensitive teeth may experience discomfort if we’re prone to it. Not everyone suffers from tooth sensitivity, yet those who do have certain measures they use to deal with it. Sensitive teeth can be treated. The type of treatment depends on what’s causing the sensitivity. Dr. Grussmark is a skilled orthodontist who can pinpoint the causes, which could include:
- Fractured teeth
- Worn fillings
- Exposed tooth root
- Tooth decay (cavities)
- Gum disease
- Worn tooth enamel
If tasting frozen sweet treats or sipping hot coffee are painful experiences for you, chances are you have sensitive teeth. If brushing or flossing causes you to wince in discomfort, you might have sensitive teeth. Proper oral hygiene is key to preventing tooth pain.
A Variety of Treatments
Your orthodontist wants your teeth to be as beautiful as possible. With their commitment to cutting-edge technology through a wide variety of treatments, sensitive teeth no longer have to be an issue. Before Dr. Grussmark fits your mouth with his signature Invisalign prosthetic, he’ll identify which tooth is causing the most pain and remedy it to ensure your smile is optimum and without any soreness or ache. For instance, he might suggest the following:
- Fluoride gel – A technique performed in-office that strengthens tooth enamel and reduces the transmission of sensations.
- Surgical gum graft – A procedure that protects the root and reduces sensitivity, especially if the gum tissue has been lost from the root.
- Root canal – Your orthodontist may recommend this treatment, if all else fails and the tooth pain is too severe and persistent.
- A crown, bonding, or inlay – If there is a flaw or decay in any tooth, any one of these three treatments will reduce the sensitivity.
There are also types of desensitizing toothpastes that contain compounds to help block the transmission of sensation from the surface of the tooth to the nerve. It typically requires several applications before a patient feels any results.
What Can You Do as a Patient?
Passing on too hot or icy cold drinks is one way to avoid dealing with your sensitive teeth. Another is to not brush your teeth as hard. Having a heavy hand while swiping the toothbrush across your teeth will gradually erode the enamel. Instead of snacking on high sugar sodas, carbs, or sticky candy that attack the enamel over time, try cheeses, yogurt, and fiber-rich vegetables. Apples are an excellent low sugar food source that naturally rid your teeth of decay-causing bacteria. Lastly, stop clenching your teeth. Teeth grinding wears away your enamel over time, changing the position of your jawbone and bite.
Dr. Grussmark and his caring team at the Centre for Invisible Orthodontics wants you to take every precaution necessary to ward off the discomfort of sensitive teeth. He’ll map out a plan for you, help with any questions you may have, and send you out the door smiling. His skills as an orthodontist are unmatched. Contact his office today and see what the buzz in Miami is about!